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Toulouse, FRANCE, Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES, November 23rd, 2015 – Cerenis Therapeutics (FR0012616852 – CEREN – PEA-PME eligible), an international biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative HDL therapies (“good cholesterol”) for treating cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, today announces that its flagship product, CER-001, has been named as one of the most promising cardiovascular projects by a committee of independent experts from the Institute for International Research (IIRUSA), organiser of the TAP conference, and major biotech-focused scientific publication editors, partners of the event.

• Therapeutic Area Partnerships, a reference event for the pharmaceutical industry that highlights the most promising drug candidates in terms of partnership potential

Based on the analysis of biotech companies’ lead products, independent experts (mandated for the occasion and notably part of the prestigious strategy consulting firm Define Health), assess companies’ potential to form business partnerships with the industry’s major players in fields such as cardiovascular disease, neurosciences, immuno-oncology or rare and orphan diseases. Click on the following link to access the event’s presentations and schedule:

• New credit given to CER-001’s potential for major biopharmaceutical players

CER-001 was chosen by a committee incorporating both independent experts appointed by the IIRUSA, organizer of the TAP conference, and editors of renown scientific reviews: In Vivo, Start-Up and “The Pink Sheet”.

Boosted by this recognition, Cerenis Therapeutics presented its HDL therapy clinical program at the 2015 TAP conference, which took place at Boston’s Hilton Back Bay on November 19th, in front of an audience comprising executives from high-profile companies such as Novartis, Merck, Amgen or Pfizer.

This recognition highlights the relevance of Cerenis Therapeutics’ approach and its pre-clinical and clinical programs, providing the Company with great exposure among US experts and biopharmaceutical decision-makers, especially as this is the second year in a row that Cerenis Therapeutics has been selected within the framework of the TAP conference.

• A prestigious selection based on an exhaustive series of criteria assessing biotech companies’ development prospects from both a scientific and business perspective

Cerenis Therapeutics’ inclusion in the committee’s list not only testifies to the quality of the pre-clinical and clinical results obtained by CER-001 thus far, but also emphasizes the Company’s ability to develop a portfolio of promising programs covering a substantial number of indications, in addition to the already-targeted orphan diseases associated with an HDL genetic defect (FPHA) and Acute Coronary Syndrome. The criteria used also assess Cerenis Therapeutics’ development potential with regard to the increasing unmet medical needs associated with worldwide cardiovascular diseases. Lastly, this reward highlights the quality of the Company’s fundamentals as well as its prospects for partnerships with other biotechs or biopharmaceutical companies.

About Cerenis Therapeutics:
Cerenis Therapeutics is an international biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative HDL therapies for the treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. HDL is the primary mediator of the reverse lipid transport, or RLT, the only natural pathway by which excess cholesterol is removed from arteries and is transported to the liver for elimination from the body.
Cerenis is developing a portfolio of HDL therapies, including HDL-mimetics for the rapid regression of atherosclerotic plaque in high-risk patients such as post-ACS patients and patients with HDL deficiency, and drugs which increase HDL for patients with low number of HDL particles to treat atherosclerosis and associated metabolic diseases.
Cerenis is well positioned to become one of the leaders in the HDL therapeutic market, with a broad portfolio of programs being developed.
Since its inception in 2005, the company has been funded by top tier investors: Sofinnova Partners, HealthCap, Alta Partners, EDF Ventures, Daiwa Corporate Investment, TVM Capital, Orbimed, IRDI/IXO Private Equity and Bpifrance (Fund for Strategic Investment) and last March successfully completed an IPO on Euronext raising €53.4m.

About CER-001:
CER-001 is an engineered complex of recombinant human apoA-I, the major structural protein of HDL, and phospholipids. It has been designed to mimic the structure and functions of natural, nascent HDL, also known as pre-beta HDL. Its mechanism of action is to increase apoA-I and the number of HDL particles transiently, to stimulate the removal of excess cholesterol and other lipids from tissues including the arterial wall and to transport them to the liver for elimination through a process called Reverse Lipid Transport. Phase II studies have provided important data demonstrating the efficacy of CER-001 in regressing atherosclerosis in several distinct vascular beds in patients representing the entire spectrum of cholesterol homeostasis. The totality of the data to date indicates that CER-001 performs all of the functions of natural pre-beta HDL particles and has the potential to be the best-in-class HDL mimetic on the market.
Jean-Louis Dasseux
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 24 09 49

Investors relations
Emmanuel Huynh / Louis-Victor Delouvrier
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 71 98 53

Media relations
Nicolas Merigeau
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 98


Source: Cerenis Therapeutics